Sunday, January 13, 2008

ratatat tat that ass

Not sure what that title is from... but it's some rap lyric which imbedded itself in my memory. It probably took the place of something useful. meh! Anywhoo... mr. obbs has been fairly busy the last few days, so excuse the lack of updates. The world is one big paper chase, folks. I put in a day of work yesterday, but I'll get time-and-a-half pay for the 7 hrs I put in, so once i see my paycheck it'll make it worth it. Work is exhausting though... I get home and am friggin tired. No energy to go out during the week really, and once Friday rolls round, if I don't get a nap in, my motivation to go out is pretty weak.

Anyways, I had a very relaxing day today. One thing I love is a big breakfast. I felt ambitious today and looked up a recipe for homefries on Since it called for lots of ingredients I either A)can not afford or B) do not own (probably becuz they are so expensive) I instead chose to dice up some potatoes and throw them in a skillet with some vegetable oil. Let me tell you... it was friggin delicious. I was so pleased with myself. I also threw some bacon in there and then made me some eggs. It was a great start to the day. I then proceeded to lie on my couch for a few hours. Erin G hollered at me and donated an old microwave from Gramma Gian to my abode. Much appreciated, to say the least. Now I can make lots of healthy Hungry Man dinners and hot pockets in mere minutes.

My cousin Big James rolled through to provide some human interaction and laughs. Always good spending time wit family. He also helped me cut my hair, as I friggin hate barbers or hairpeople or whatever you wanna call them. I hate givin money to those dudes. I can cut my own damn hair, fank you vedy much. Sorry for the rant, but I had a bad experience a few years ago. I looked like an idiot, and ended up taking scissors to my head once I got home... which didn't affect the cut either way, if that tells you anything.

Anyways, as the title suggests, I'ma lace all the mr. obbs fans with some Ratatat. I first heard these dudes at a party in Muchigan, and i had to politely excuse myself to go check the computer playlist. It was unlike anything mr. obbs had ever heard before. They currently have 2 instrumental albums out (1 instro mixtape, if you will, titled 9 Beats) and 2 albums full of their beats accompanied by some of the biggest rappers in the game, dead or alive. You can check out rap remix Vol. 2 at Ratatatmusic.comfor a free download! mr. obbs recommends this highly! Today I feature a track from the mixtape.

Kanye West - Diamonds (ratatat remix)

And for the love of god check em out at Amazon or any other method you may have **cough**hype machine**cough**

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