so... mr obbs is in an unfortunate situation. Due to too many raucous parties being held at my current abode, my landlord has decided to evict two of my roommates, and not allow me to extend my lease once it is up at the end of May. Hunting for apartments is perhaps one notch above spending time in Port Authority on mr. obbs' official list of unenjoyable activities. It's an ass-pain, to put it lightly.
Either the room is too expensive, too far out of the city, or the roommates are too crazy, or the landlord is a psycho, etc etc ad nauseam.
So currently I am trying to see if i can stay through the summer at least. i mean, I pay my rent, I keep the place looking decent, I do my dishes. What else do you want from me. So we'll see how the landlord responds to my email.
SPeaking of the homeless though... can someone explain to me why so many homeless people insist upon speaking all sorts of gibberish ALOUD? I can really not think of any reason why they do it. It's usually expletives, or just total nonsensical blather which does nothing to better their standing in my mind. It's gotta be the crack. That's the only justification i can think of.
Last week I was waiting for the T and witnessed one man have a full conversation with the Virgin Mary. Apparently Mary was also waiting for the T, and wearing skintight spandex which the man found arousing. It was uncomfortable to listen to this guy shout, and eventually another guy next to me went and reported him to the MBTA guard on duty... who really didn't do anything.
But anyways... homeless people. What're ya gonna do with em. I also don't understand why they insist on living in Boston. It's cold as hell here. If I had no home... I'd go south. Just start walking. Maybe that's just me, I don't know.
I realize it's been a while since we've had some music here on the blog. So without further ado, check out this funky track by the English singer Estelle featuring the highly talented John Legend. After watching him on the Colbert Report, I think Legend is a pretty cool dude. and talented.
Estelle ft. John Legend -- You Are
And peep legend doin his thang on The Report:
1 comment:
maybe the homeless gibbering homeless just wanna be heard. Want to be noticed, even if it makes them look crazy. Probs the crack though.
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