Welp, in a stunning turn of events, I was able to use the power of persuasion to talk my landlord into letting me stay here throughout the summer. I had a couple things in my favor:
1. I'm a pretty damn good tenant, if I do say so myself. I pay my money... I throw parties every now and then, but GAD DAMMIT this house is surrounded by college students, and i am a fairly young person still who enjoys the occasional good time, so I think it's a bit unreasonable to think there would never be a party here.
2. My Chinese roommate said the only way she would stay is if I stayed here as well (apparently girls feel unsafe in a house all by themselves without a strong man to protect them. *shrugs*)
3. I knew another girl looking for housing. She could move into one of the rooms vacated by my evicted roomies.
So essentially, I told the landlord he could: kick me out, and thus make the china girl leave as well, thus earning him no rent, or he could let me stay and he'd get a total of 3 rent checks. And we all know how much landlords loveeee the rent checks.
So there you have it. Mr. obbs the wheeler and dealer.
In other news, the Celtics finally dispatched the Hawks from the playoffs. About damn time.
For some music, treat your head to some country music. Yes, mr. obbs even listens to some country now and then. Both these lead singers ahve pretty cool, deep, voices.
The first is from a group I was introduced to by a real-life cowboy friend of my family. We met him while at a dude ranch in Montana. He's been a Marlboro Man in some magazine ads before. If you've seen City Slickers 2, he is a lot like Curly in appearance, to give you a mental picture of this guy. Anyways, the song is more cowboy music than country, if ya feel me. For some reason I can imagine the lead singer as the father of some girl I'm asking out. With his voice, I would hate to get him mad. Or to get her pregnant.
Sons of the San Joaquin - Great American Cowboy
The second is a vid by Josh Turner. Apparently he's a big hit with the ladies... but anyways, this song is catchy, in my opinion.
-- obbs
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