So I went to see my cousin's DIII men's lacrosse game today. Pretty awful weather-- cold, drizzly, just plain 'raw.'
Anyways, I've been around organized sport for some time, so I have heard many a "yeller" let their opinions be heard from their perch in the bleachers. They know who should have done what. They know whose son just f'ed up horribly but are careful as to not make their disgust too apparent in their exclamation, as the failure's father is also in earshot. So a simple, exasperated "OH COME ONNNN" after a mistake will suffice.
The collection of fathers at the game today were some of the worst I've witnessed. Honestly... some of the shit they were saying made me wanna smack em in the face.
"Did you see that pass? What is he doing? Jeeeeesus."
*kid takes a shot on goal*
Random Mom 3 rows back: Nice try Jimmy!!
Long-haired father: What the hell kind of shot is that?! You have no angle on the goal... there is absolutely no chance of that going in.
At one point, a father actually said "We know more about the game than these kids do!"
So I, knowing I will not see these people again and looking to push things a little further, said "You know what? WE oughta be out there playing!"
and the father turned to me... and I could see the gears in his head turning as he struggled to figure out if I was serious or not... and he replied "Yea!! ... but maybe as the JV."
Good answer, pops.
Anyways, I remember a basketball game I was in back in like 8th grade. I actually started trash-talking with an opposing team's father in the stands. His son was guarding me, and he made some remark, knowing I could hear just as much as his son could, about how I couldn't keep up with him (his son) or something equivalent. I turned to him and made fun of his goatee.
Bottom line is: I know that, when I am older and watching my son or daughter school all the other kids in just about any sport they desire to play, that I'll friggin keep my mouth shut. At least until the car ride home, where I will berate them unmercifully.

-- mr. obbs
You're gonna be a great dad...minus the car ride home.
thanks for keeping my time at work interesting. バーバリー スーパー コピー からシンプルなロゴtシャツです。ルーズフィットのデザインが自由で快適な動きをサポート。耐久性を高めたリブ仕様のクルーネック。 スーパー コピー ブランド 着心地のいいコットン素材がさらっと着こなせる、1枚で着てもジャケットやシャツと合わせてもおしゃれに決まる嬉しいアイテム。
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