I had an unusually frustrating weekend, which is unfortunate, but i shall explain. Let me first state the 2 things that, in particular, pissed me off this weekend.
1. Friends not calling/texting me back
2. shitty bars with cover charges
Now, I picked up an extra Saturday shift at work to make some money, so at first I wasn't going to go out on Friday. BUt after an hour of not doing anything, I thought I'd give it a try. I text some people... call some... IM some. Leave messages. One guy texted me at 1am saying 'sorry, but let's hang out tomorrow.'
I ended up going 'out' by myself. And that is 'out' in the most general sense of the word. I walked around, found a local Burger King, and treated myself to a late dinner. Fun.
So saturday I went to work. Got a text from the same buddy who wanted to hang out. So I called him once I got out. No answer. Left a message. Texted another friend who had said they would call me the previous nite (and hadn't) to see what they were up to. 2 hours later I text the first dude... End up getting no response from either.
Gotta love it.
I ended up goin out with my cousin who was meetin some lady friends of his at a place called Gypsy Bar. Finally got there, and knew this wasn't "my scene." Dude's with tans... hair product... tight designer t-shirts. *sigh* My cousin asked a guy in front of him what the cover charge was. "10 bucks." Fuck that.
So we ended up ditchin that idea. Went to a different bar I'd gone to before and enjoyed. Live music and such. $5 cover... it was ok. Buuuuut the band sucked and it was $4 for a bottle of Bud Light. Really? Fuck that. A waste of $5.
I hate cover charges, to put it lightly. We ended up going to some total dive bar, throwin some bills into the jukebox, getting some $10 pitchers of the High Life and enjoying ourselves with the rest of the clientele. Not swanky dumbasses with their designer shit they spent their last paycheck on, but chill people rockin Red Sox jerseys and pink "Support Your Local Vagina" tees. I felt at home.
Honestly, from now on, I may very well stick to this one local place for my nightlife. No cover, no stuck-up dresscode, cheap Molson ($2 drafts... my personal heaven), and lots of ladies. How the F can you beat that? Also, I won't hafta throw down for a cab either, cuz it's only bout a 10 min walk from my crib. Hallelujah.
So that was my weekend. Pretty dismal. Today was chill. Went to a bar at 2 and had wings for 10 cents a piece. Awesome. My cousin also spilled my beer on me, which was funny. Then we watched the end of The Masters, then some of the Bruins and Red Sox games.
All i've eaten today is 1 banana, 20 hot wings, 1 beer, and half an order of french fries.
But my diet is a whole nother story.
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