A strange thing has happened since I've moved into the city. It's happened on more than one occasion now.
I bump into people. And it's not just an innocent, understandable bump. It's a collision that, I'm guessing/hoping, most people do not commit.
Now, in my defense, it could well be due to the fact that Boston has a much higher density of people than I am accustomed to... possibly. But I think it's just mostly due to my absent-mindedness.
On the way to work one day, I was waiting with some other workers from my building for the elevator to come to the ground floor. I was reading the paper, heard the bell ring, and began walking to the door. Ran straight into some woman... almost knocking her over.
Like I was some sort of Pavlov dog, I heard the bell and immediately thought that meant the door would be opening and we'd pile in. I didn't think that A)maybe I should look up from the paper or B)that maybe the woman in front of me would be waiting until the elevator unloaded before she entered. What made it even better was that I had to spend a nice lil awkward elevator ride with this woman I had just nearly assaulted.
I also ran into some dude as I entered the grocery store. I love watching myself on the security camera (who the f doesn't) aaaaand wasn't watching where I was going.
I read something today that made me feel a little better about myself, though. It appears that the world is actually growing more and more incapable of walking without bumping into things/people.
Don't believe me? Check out this article from Time, or, if you love the British accents like I do, this shitty, unfunny video.
"higgledy-piggledy fashion..." Gotta love it!
All this London talk reminds me of time in the great city. I had a sik internship for a DJ boo
Harry Brooks - Neon Lady
peace and love everybody.
-- obbs
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