Mr. obbs took a weekend trip back to the Maine homeland this past weekend to see those who raised him and get some good ol' homecookin. Also celebrated my birthday a little early. My present were pretty cool. My parents framed this big poster I was given during graduation from my crew coaches. It was a sort of collage of pics of me and my teammates. Pretty sweet. It looks really good framed.
I also got a scrapbook my dad made. Starts with a pic from March 21, 1985 of me as a baby! It has some really great photos in it, and I laughed and smiled on every page. Kinda ties into my lsat post or so when I mention how we forget a lot of the great moments throughout life. My dad said his mom amde a picture book for him, so he thought he'd make one for me. It's pretty cool.
I didn't do much but just relax, which is really the only reason i went home, other than to sate my 'rents need to see me every now and then. Watched some basketball on tv.. ate lots of food.
On Sunday I spoke with my bro on the fone. He's a corrections officer at a prison in Arizona. He helps with the transport of inmates from facility to facility. Think of the police guys in the bus in the Fugitive when the inmates break out. That's what my brother does.
Anyways, they were transporting two vans full of inmates from one locale to another. My bro was in the rear van on the highway, goin about 75 mph. All of a
His van quickly pulls to the side and my bro jumps out to help. The crashed van's driver has been thrown through the windshield and is now laying face down in a pool of water. He attends to him and helps others while calling for backup. 3 officers and 3 of the inmates are MedEvac'd out of the scene. The inmates had it pretty bad cuz they're just sitting loose in the back with their hands and ankles bound shackled together. They musta been flyin around the van smashing their faces into the walls when that thing was flipping over and over and over. Long story short, my bro is getting Employee of the Month.
This is actually his 2nd time getting the award... the first time was for breaking up a knife fight and saving one of the inmates lives.
So... my brother has a home he is paying mortgage on. I am handin my landlord my hard-earned money each month. His job is important. Mine... is not. He makes almost 3 times what I make... conservatively, at least double.
Anyways... my lease is up at the end of May. Mr. obbs is gonna make some moves by the end of the year. Startin with a cross-country trip to see some sights.
For the music today we have the Ying yang Twins. Two of the most prolific writers in hip hop music history. Two of the greatest to ever grab a microphone. Nah i kid, but this track offa their "United States of Atlanta" album is pretty solid. It features Adam Levine from Maroon 5 doin the damn thang on the hook in all his high-pitched glory .
Talks about a stripper... but really it's an allegory. Aren't we all strippers? Selling our body and time for the dolla dolla bill. Right? That's what they meant when they wrote this, right?
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