so much has happened in the last week. mr. obbs apologizes for the lack of updates!! I know you fans are growing impatient. Thanks for all the blog comments too, btdubs.
So much has happened that I'll prob hafta break this into two posts to catch everyone up.
1. My company basketball teram came back from a 9 point 2nd half deficit to win the championship!! The prizes kept snowballing too... first a trophy, then a picture with 2 of the Celtic cheerleaders, then a bag full of warmup shorts and shirts, then a free spread of pizza, boneless wings, and a keg of lite beer!! I was like 'hot damn... i'm in heaven.' It was definitely a great ending to great season.
2. Thursday I went to a Bruins game. They lost... but I got a free t-shirt and my cousin James got on the jumbo-tron! Success in mr. obbs' book.
3. Friday I turned 23. sweet.
4. For Saturday I went home to see my gramma. She was feelin ill... but now is better. yay.
5. Had a delightful Easter brunch with two cousins and an uncle. Fam is good.
6. Today I went to work feelin great (maybe it was cuz i didn't get shitfaced at all this weekend... maybe. meh!). Got an email saying my company had 2 Celtic tix to give away. I'm not too superstitious... but I felt soething inside me. It was my time. I'd never won any of the Celtic tix they raffle off. Only 2 Bruins tickets (BOTH on nites I couldn't go... wtf). So I entered. When they announced the winners at 2pm... i didn't get it. So as 5pm approached, i waited at 4:59 for the clock to turn.
I get a call. What. the. fuck.
I answer it... talk to some guy for 12 minutes and finally hang up. JUST as i hang up i get an email saying "we have 3 more tickets. First 3 people to email me get em!" I hit 'reply' mash on my keyboard, and hit 'send.'
And tonite I got to see the league-leading Celtics lose to the lowly 76ers!! It was awesome! Naw but seriously it was mad fun. Thank you CSN. Maybe I will fill out that application to name you as one of the best employers of Boston. Maybe.
Welp, i guess one post was sufficient!
For the music, here's a techno remix of a song I heard about 4 times this weekend, but can't find the original anywhere... which is aggravating. If anyone has 'Out of Touch' by the marvelous Daryl Hall and John Oates, holla at me. For the interim, here's a sik dance mix which was huge when i was in london. I def got my trance on to this on the danceflo.
Uniting Nations - Out of Touch
until next time folks.
-- obbs
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