I made a decision to try and make it to some more live music shows a while back. So, when yesterday, my cousin called me to go to some show at a nearby bar with him featuring some "ambient/electronica type stuff" I was, honestly, a little iffy. I meannnnn I had a basketball game and i was gonnna be tireeeeed after.
But I sucked it up and told him i'd be there after my game. I guess a guy he used to play in a band with went off and formed some group to start making this ambient music and actually got signed by some label in Germany (unable to verify this).
So I get to the venue last nite and the opening act is on. Paid the $8 cover and got a brewski. The music was real chill. For some reason "electronica" had brought images of raves and poppin ecstasy to mind (kids: mix it with viagra and you have 'sextasy'). But this was so lax and i was so tired i almost fell asleep. Good music no doubt, just something i put on when i'm bout to crawl into bed.
But eventually my couin's buddy's group came on. They're called Arms and Sleepers, and they were pretty dope. Now, honestly, this type of music isn't exactly the best live experience... i mean, you just kinda watch. You can't sing cuz there's no lyrics. Arms and Sleepers was pretty sik cuz they have this video they broadcast onto a sheet screen behind them as they play. It's sort of like watching a live music video... if that makes any sense.
Watch this vid and you'll see what I mean. This was a pretty cool song they played.
THere's a few more on Youtube you should check out if you like dat one. The videos were also cool cuz some of em had Boston scenes in em.
Anyways, I'm real glad I went.
Makin music with machines is pretty amazing stuff. A kid i went to elementary school with has sent me some songs he's made, and I gotta say I am mad impressed. This kid is very talented musically, playing the trumpet I think since gradeschool, and is skilled on numerous instruments. He makes his music with a program called Reason. He goes by the name Bigadiga. Just check out the track below for god's sake.
Bigadiga -- Waiting For June
aptly titled now that I look at it!
Also, on the other end of the spectrum, check out this beat D-Drens aka DJD made with a program on my computer called Frooty Loops. I need to learn how to use this gaddamn program better. I think this is pretty good for Dave...
DJD -- beat
pretty cool.
All for now. Gotta rest up... tomorrow is a company trivia night followed by open bar at a local establishment. Long story short... Friday is gonna be a hungover mess of a day.
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