welp... it was anotha rawhide weekend. no doubt. I really gave the ol' liver a workout, bein st. patty's day and all. Nothing too insane, but I made sure I was imbibing. TK, a huge 6'5" beast of a man I met while studying abroad in London, was in town for a solid 4 days. It was definitely good to have him around and have a formidable wingman to hit the town with mr. obbs.
Friday we just kinda chilled, as TK had been travelin all day. Saturday we checked out some Boston touristy sites and such. blechhh. I dunno, bein a tourist can be kinda boring. Walking around... seein a statue. wooooo. BUt anyways. We checked out a few shops and the original Cheers bar. Good ish. Stevy Nichols aka Jake Michaels drove down that night as well. We three men went out for some man time at a bar watching basketball.
That nite we had plans for a nite on the town... but they kinda got busted by a)long ass lines at clubs and b) our shabby dress code of sneakers and non-collared shirts. My bad! Meh. We ended up goin to this place the Cask & Flagon right next to Fenway Park which was a pretty lame time. The bar was so packed it took a solid 10 or 15 mins to get a beer. Then my posse moved to the danceflo'. I swear this was the worst DJ i've ever witnessed. He'd play a song, people would get into it, then he'd switch it to some other track after about 45 seconds. wtf! the ONLY redeeming moment was when he played this one R. Kelly song.
R. Kelly -- Burn It Up
Hearing that album cut make it into the usual club rotation was a welcome surprise.
Rather than pay for a cab, Steve Nichols and I walked home. Not too bad. Found a party goin on at my house that kept my sleep nice and interrupted til they left at 4:30am. shweet.
Sunday was a day of rest... nope! I'm kidding! Got up early and headed to
South Boston for nthe big St. Patty's Day parade. My cousin had a contact who was throwin a pahty rite on the parade route. It may have taken a solid 2 mile walk to get there, but it was worth it. Delish food, jello shots, beers, and a funnel equaled great times! Plus there were some funny and beautiful ladies to provide some great conversation. Tony was along, and my other cousin Annie was back from school as she was on spring break from Barnard. After partyin all day, we went back to my cousins house in Natick for some homecooking!! What an awesome day. An A+ in mr. obbs' book.
Mr. Obbs had taken Monday off from work in order to a) enjoy the weekends shenanigans a bit more and B) get to see TK more. So i got to sleep in Monday morn which was NOICE. Both the Sam Adams and Harpoon breweries were closed, so we resorted to plan dos: go to a bar. It was about 2ish i guess, and we got in line to get into a frickin North End bar. I was feelin a little "mehhhhh." Got in line behind these two whitehaired dudes. I walked up to see what the cover charge would be-- "10 bones" I told TK. The two white-haired guys overheard. "Wot, just to git ehn?" One asked in an awesome English accent. Now, spending a semester in England was awesome just for the accents and the people. They're real laid back. So I took this opportunity to chat it up with these dudes. We ended up ditchin that bar and goin to another. Spent the whole time talking and gettin drunk with these two English gents from Nottingham-- I guess a small mining community. One of the guys absolutely LOVED how American's give each other "pounds" sometimes instead of a handshake. When they finally left, I made sure to give him a pound and every other dap and american variation I could think of. Hilarious. I gave one em my card... told him to shoot me an email sometime. That shit pays off... knowin people around the world that is.
Some of the best times I had while abroad was staying with my family friends in Poitiers, France (home of a French exchange student my fam's hosted a few summers) and Horschbach, Germany-- long story how my family knows those people, but my last name is german and apparently i had ancestors from there. But yeah... keep those contacts cuz they pay off.
So anyways, I went home round 530, still buzzin, and got ready for my basketball game. We ended up winning and am in the company championship game tomorrow nite!! Craziness! I need to carb up asap.
all for now. I am still mad tired.
I found this soundtrack to the movie "The man From Snowy River" last nite randomly. It's really nuts the music you can find online if you know where to search. I don't have any of that LimeWire shit either... I just know where to look. Anyways, this is perhaps my mom's favorite movie, as she is obsessed with horses and also thinks the main character is pretty hot. I must say, it's a pretty cool movie, and has a solid soundtrack as well.
Check out this clip with some intense chase music and some nutso horse clips. Makes me wanna ride one again... honestly galloping atop a huge beast is pretty frickin sweet now that I think about it.
Friday we just kinda chilled, as TK had been travelin all day. Saturday we checked out some Boston touristy sites and such. blechhh. I dunno, bein a tourist can be kinda boring. Walking around... seein a statue. wooooo. BUt anyways. We checked out a few shops and the original Cheers bar. Good ish. Stevy Nichols aka Jake Michaels drove down that night as well. We three men went out for some man time at a bar watching basketball.
That nite we had plans for a nite on the town... but they kinda got busted by a)long ass lines at clubs and b) our shabby dress code of sneakers and non-collared shirts. My bad! Meh. We ended up goin to this place the Cask & Flagon right next to Fenway Park which was a pretty lame time. The bar was so packed it took a solid 10 or 15 mins to get a beer. Then my posse moved to the danceflo'. I swear this was the worst DJ i've ever witnessed. He'd play a song, people would get into it, then he'd switch it to some other track after about 45 seconds. wtf! the ONLY redeeming moment was when he played this one R. Kelly song.
R. Kelly -- Burn It Up
Hearing that album cut make it into the usual club rotation was a welcome surprise.
Rather than pay for a cab, Steve Nichols and I walked home. Not too bad. Found a party goin on at my house that kept my sleep nice and interrupted til they left at 4:30am. shweet.
Sunday was a day of rest... nope! I'm kidding! Got up early and headed to
Mr. Obbs had taken Monday off from work in order to a) enjoy the weekends shenanigans a bit more and B) get to see TK more. So i got to sleep in Monday morn which was NOICE. Both the Sam Adams and Harpoon breweries were closed, so we resorted to plan dos: go to a bar. It was about 2ish i guess, and we got in line to get into a frickin North End bar. I was feelin a little "mehhhhh." Got in line behind these two whitehaired dudes. I walked up to see what the cover charge would be-- "10 bones" I told TK. The two white-haired guys overheard. "Wot, just to git ehn?" One asked in an awesome English accent. Now, spending a semester in England was awesome just for the accents and the people. They're real laid back. So I took this opportunity to chat it up with these dudes. We ended up ditchin that bar and goin to another. Spent the whole time talking and gettin drunk with these two English gents from Nottingham-- I guess a small mining community. One of the guys absolutely LOVED how American's give each other "pounds" sometimes instead of a handshake. When they finally left, I made sure to give him a pound and every other dap and american variation I could think of. Hilarious. I gave one em my card... told him to shoot me an email sometime. That shit pays off... knowin people around the world that is.
Some of the best times I had while abroad was staying with my family friends in Poitiers, France (home of a French exchange student my fam's hosted a few summers) and Horschbach, Germany-- long story how my family knows those people, but my last name is german and apparently i had ancestors from there. But yeah... keep those contacts cuz they pay off.
So anyways, I went home round 530, still buzzin, and got ready for my basketball game. We ended up winning and am in the company championship game tomorrow nite!! Craziness! I need to carb up asap.
all for now. I am still mad tired.
I found this soundtrack to the movie "The man From Snowy River" last nite randomly. It's really nuts the music you can find online if you know where to search. I don't have any of that LimeWire shit either... I just know where to look. Anyways, this is perhaps my mom's favorite movie, as she is obsessed with horses and also thinks the main character is pretty hot. I must say, it's a pretty cool movie, and has a solid soundtrack as well.
Check out this clip with some intense chase music and some nutso horse clips. Makes me wanna ride one again... honestly galloping atop a huge beast is pretty frickin sweet now that I think about it.
Bottom line: mr. obbs recommend you see this movie. Add it to your NetFlix queue **cough**katiebell**cough**
And here's the love theme to the movie. Pretty cool piano loop there.
Bruce Rowland -- Jessica's Theme
That's all for today folks.
Bruce Rowland -- Jessica's Theme
That's all for today folks.
-- obbs 
"that's not the saddle-horn, ma-lady."
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