another weekend full of shenanigans is in the bank.
I threw a huge party on friday at the house... it was a combination of three people's burfdays, so the guestlist was pretty big. Then, some really ballsy underclassmen from BU decided to stop by. I'm not sure how the logic goes in their heads, but it must be something similar to "hey... it sounds like there's a party going on in that house. Even though we don't know anyone there, let's invite ourselves in and drink the beer!" Crazy kids.
Joe Mac had to yell out "COPS!" a couple of times to clear a bunch of em out. I didn't realize just how many young'ns were there until he did that and about half of the people in my kitchen fled out the back door. I was like "damn!"
Saturday required me to set my alarm for noon, as on Friday I had won a Bruins ticket from my company and wanted to catch the game. Turns out our company seats are frickin amazing. 5 rows up from the opponents face off circle. So I got to see the Bruins attack their goal for 2 of the 3 periods. They also won, beating the Senators 4-0. I'm not a huge hockey fan, but it was an awesome game to see (for free).
Saturday nite, Steve Nichols drove back down cuz he wanted to hang with some friend of his from Northeastern. I said I'd be down for that cuz I didnt have any plans. So we went over, met his buds, and walked to a small bar. Waiting to get a drinkie, I see a girl I went to elementary school wit sittin at the bar with her friend! Random! I'd only seen her once since I'd been in Boston, and that was when she came to a party of mine (the one where I was passed out at midnite-- bad news). So it was cool seein her. We ended up rollin to another place and gettin our dance on. I was dancin wit her friend for quite a bit. Then we went back to her apartment and she said I could crash on her futon (I'm too cheap to get a $20 cab ride home, i mean seriously).
So, I had known my friend had posed for some calendar that had featured all these Northeastern girls, but I hadn't actually seen it. But there it was on her wall-- open to her month! I must say, the photos were pretty frickin hawt. My friend was in two fotos which she showed me, then she took it down and showed me the cover (see the foto at the top of this entry.)
I looked at it for a bit. Dayummmmm it was her friend! Her friend is def an attractive young lady, but this pic was redonk (i mean, LOOK at it!). My friend said they had put on just a little bit of makeup. These pics were real professional-looking. I mean, I only pose when i know i'm dealing with professional quality people, and they hafta have good PhotoShop ability too.
Speakin of which. Check out this crazy vid showing just how amazing PhotoShop can be in the right person's hands.
It's also March Madness of course. I have UCLA winning my bracket, but frankly Memphis is looking NAAAAASTY. They're a really exciting team to watch. I absolutely hate UNC. It's mostly just Tyler Hansbrough. He bothers me a lot, for some reason. I wasn't too upset when this happened last year:
Anywhoo. How bout some muzack. I've been wanting to plug the following group for awhile, as they are awesome and a part of Maine culture. Schooner Fare plays marine songs (hard to describe i guess...) but their folky guitars and awesome, clear voices are some things I was raised on. I even saw them live a couple times, and they are great performers-- telling lots of jokes and stories between the classics.
So here are three good tracks by a great Maine band.
Schooner Fare - Day of the Clipper
Schooner Fare - Portland Town
Schooner Fare - Summer Roads
"Summer roads all full of turns and bends,
Summer roads that lead to my old friends,
Summer roads by summer streams,
where I live all my winter dreams,
and the good times always start down summer roads."
-- obbs