mr. obbs checkin in on... a friday nite. lame.
After a long ass week I thought I was gonna go out tonite, but i got home, irritated as shit from dealing with annoying people, crowded subways, and shitty weather all week and decided to just chill.
Cracked a Bud and sat and listened to Phil Collins "No Jacket Required" on vinyl.
Then I ended up falling asleep for an hour on my couch. Got a call fom Steve Nichols and found out he was NOT coming down to the city tonite... so, long story short, I scrapped the nite. Didn't feel like going out to the bars by myself. It's also snowing like a banshee outside... I'll save my energy and funds for tomorrow nite. Grenier is comin down witha friend of his in the Marines... it should be interesting to say the least.
As far as music goes, CunninLynguists are currently at the beginnin of a 3 week or so tour through Europe. They are surprisingly HUGE in Europe. Watch this vid for an idea of the crowds they've rocked (skip to bout 3 mins for concert footage):
Anyways, they're currently in Germany doing shows with an Australian hip hop group called Hilltop Hoods. Now, I wasn't too familiar with these guys til I heard they'd be doin shows with CL, but now that I've learned a little, I'm pretty impressed. Apparently they are the biggest hiphop act in the land down under.
They recently released their album titled "The Hard Road" and then later went back and did a whole remix album with accompaniment by a full orchestra titled "The Hard Road Restrung"... how sick is that!?
Anyways, check out their music vid and then give a listen to the restrung mix of the title track. Mr. obbs thinks it's mighty good.
For the love of god go to their myspace and listen to Roll On Up. It's crack for the eardrums.
After a long ass week I thought I was gonna go out tonite, but i got home, irritated as shit from dealing with annoying people, crowded subways, and shitty weather all week and decided to just chill.
Cracked a Bud and sat and listened to Phil Collins "No Jacket Required" on vinyl.
Then I ended up falling asleep for an hour on my couch. Got a call fom Steve Nichols and found out he was NOT coming down to the city tonite... so, long story short, I scrapped the nite. Didn't feel like going out to the bars by myself. It's also snowing like a banshee outside... I'll save my energy and funds for tomorrow nite. Grenier is comin down witha friend of his in the Marines... it should be interesting to say the least.
As far as music goes, CunninLynguists are currently at the beginnin of a 3 week or so tour through Europe. They are surprisingly HUGE in Europe. Watch this vid for an idea of the crowds they've rocked (skip to bout 3 mins for concert footage):
Anyways, they're currently in Germany doing shows with an Australian hip hop group called Hilltop Hoods. Now, I wasn't too familiar with these guys til I heard they'd be doin shows with CL, but now that I've learned a little, I'm pretty impressed. Apparently they are the biggest hiphop act in the land down under.
They recently released their album titled "The Hard Road" and then later went back and did a whole remix album with accompaniment by a full orchestra titled "The Hard Road Restrung"... how sick is that!?
Anyways, check out their music vid and then give a listen to the restrung mix of the title track. Mr. obbs thinks it's mighty good.
For the love of god go to their myspace and listen to Roll On Up. It's crack for the eardrums.
Hilltop Hoods -- The Hard Road (Restrung)
adios all.
-- obbs
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