mr. obbs is friggin tired, so i'ma keep this relatively brief.
1. R. Kelly is the king of R&B. He actually put the 'R' in 'R&B.' That's a fact.
2. If the "Trapped in the Closet" series were to be turned into a full-length movie and released in theaters, it would become the first film to win Best Original Screenplay, Film of the Year, Soundtrack of the Year, and Documentary fo the Year Oscars and R. Kelly would win both Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor awards.
3. In an effort to be more hip, I tried multiple avenues to get an R. Kelly ringtone on my phone. Now, being a cheap sonofabitch, I of course would not buy said ringtone. My boyee joe mac had recommended a site which sends you the tone to your fone in a text, so I tried that.
No luck. Tried again. Nothing.
I was gettin pissed. I tried another site... nope. I somehow stumbled upon this site sponsored by Verizon Vcast sayin all i had to do was play the song I wanted and it'd be uploaded to my phone! Too easy! So I played the song on my speakers and held my phone up to em, and -- don't ask me how this works-- but my phone was able to recognize the song! But then it asked me to pay $4 for it. Fuck. That.
Next day at work, takin phonecalls... runnin shit... the usual. Out of the blue my phone blares at full volume "OHHHohhhOHHHHH! OHHohhOH!"
It's R. Kelly! Like a voice from God coming to embarass me in front of my co-workers for being that dumbass who forgets to put his fone on vibrate... but it wasn't my fault!! I'd PUT my fone on vibrate... I looke at my screen and it's f'ing VCAST!! Playin the song I uploaded, askin me if I wanted to buy it! Apparently they have some pretty guerilla sales techniques over there at Verizon.
Boss: "Alrite team, how the frick are we gonna sell more of these R. Kelly ringtones?
Richard: "Well... we could send unsolicited ads to phones of our
unsuspecting customers..."
Boss: "Goddamnit Richard, you are a goddamn genius... now meet me in my office after work, and bring a pack of PopRocks."
Richard: "...yes sir."
Anyways, R. Kelly would call me at least once a day for about 2 weeks. I called Verizon Customer Support multiple times, asking them to cut the crap. Long, annoying story short, apparently some application had installed itself when I held my phone up to my speaker, and I ws finally able to delete that shit.
Oh! and that site joe mac recommended FINALLY sent me my ringtone. Mr. obbs wins.
Now for the music today, I'ma put up the ringtone I have so you can see what would scare the shit outta me at work when the silence would be broken by R's screamin vocals.
mr. obbs' r. kelly and rick ross ringtone
And this next one combines two of my favorite musicians: DJ Quik and Rob Kelly. Of course what is produced is nthing short of an eargasm.
DJ Quik ft. R. Kelly and Mausberg -- It's Like Everyday
And next is a track as powerful as "I Believe I Can Fly" or "The World's Greatest." I believe it was on the Michael Keaton Batman soundtrack... but do NOT quote mr. obbs on that one. Regardless, it's epic.
R. Kelly -- Gotham City
And finally, of of, in mr. obbs' opinion, perhaps Kells' best album, Happy People, is a song I hope to dance to with my wife at our reception. It is pure happiness. The whole album is, actually, hence the title.
R. Kelly -- Ladies Night (Treat Her Like Heaven)
time fo bed.
-- obbs

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