Wattup loyal fan.
Anyone who has talked with mr. obbs lately or has the privilege of being able to read his away messages knows he was a pretty big fan of American Gladiators, shown on NBC the last month or so.
Welp, the season came to end tonite, as the men's and women's championships were held. Hosted by Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali, the show was the ultimate Joes vs. Pros competition of muscle and agility. The Hulkster is a new idol of mine and Ali is now one of my least favorite people due to her absolutely terrible ability to conduct even the simplest of interviews.
But anyways, in the women's event, my favorite contestant -- Monica-- ended up winning. SHe is beautiful and strong and has a great attitude, in other words, if she weren't married and the mother of twins... well, yeah.
On the men's side, Evan won. Dude was just really strong and quick... nuff said.

Also... my crush on the female Gladiator aptly named Crush continues to grow. For some reason, knowing that this chick is an MMA fighter who could kick my ass is very appealing.
Good lord... look at her.
Aaaaaanyways, it was a great weekend. Worked on Saturday during the day... which sounds awful, but it was actually enjoyable. Maybe that's too strong of a word... but anyways, got the overtime pay plus some free pizza from Regina's Pizzeria and then headed home. Rested up and went over to my cousin's place for a beer or two before heading out to meet up with some friends of his at a bar.
Ended up getting to the bar and hittin the dancefloor. This place was crawling with these 'guidos.' I thought maybe the
New Fuckin Haircut video or the fact that people make fun of these dudes would maybe deter them from actin and lookin the way they do... but nope!! But then again... mullets still exist even with society's opinion of them, so i guess some people just don't learn.
But anyways, it was good to get some dancing in, even if the girls in the group my cousin and I were with were both A) only interested in themselves and B) pretty terrible dancers. Now, don't get me wrong... I am not saying I am a good dancer. I'm not. Speak to me when I'm blackout and I may say differently... but I am not good. But anyways, just a message to all the girls out there: there is something seriously wrong if you are worse at dancing than me. I know there's already a lot of shit you put up with (pregnancy, periods... ew thats enough), but take an hour to dance in front of a mirror or something.

Regardless, I had fun. As we were heading for the doors to leave, I looked back to the dancefloor and saw one of the guidos being told by the bouncer taht he better put his shirt back on. Bouncers these days!! Won't let a brother grind on a lady in a wifebeater! *sigh*
The place was seriously packed with these guys and other meatsticks. Awesome. Where do these guys congregate during the week? ok ok ok... besides their parents basement. Do they have jobs? Where will they be in 20 years? ... still in the basement? *shrugs*
Anyways, as it's getting late and mr. obbs needs his beauty sleep, the music for today is Gladiator themed. Awhile back I stumbled upon what I first thought was a joke... sadly I was wrong.

For some reason, someone thought it would be a great idea to write some music for Hulk Hogan and have him sing it. My friend Jonnymarks thought it would be an even better idea to buy the CD for me, and it was, cuz whenever I'm a little angry or mad and need a laugh, I just play a song from the Hulkster.
Enjoy, brothers.
This one's a little sad (both musically and in subject matter) as it talks about some kid who I guess was watching Hulk wrestle at Wembley Stadium and got hit in the head with a folding chair or something and died. Ouch!
Hulk Hogan -- Hulkster in Heaven (click, then right-click+save target as on next page)
And this one I use whenever I need some inspiration or guidance. Can you say 'inspiration?' Can you say "Is that the Hulkster 'rapping?'"
Hulk Hogan -- I Want to Be a Hulkamaniac
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