Friday, February 29, 2008
trip to da Apple
Last time I was there was during the summer. I met a buddy, the Kressticle there as his ship which he was spending the summer on was in port, and then also met up with doey and found a bar serving $9 pitchers of PBR... needless to say it was a fun time. Not such a fun time for one of Kress' shipmates tho, who ended up hurling onto the wooden floor, which-- though I didn't know at the time-- splattered all over my shoes and bag. The next day I had some mighty stanky shoes (I just noticed that I'm also wearing them right now.)
So anyways, I'll actually meet up with BOTH doey and Kress THIS weekend too!! What are the chances!! Tomorrow, I guess all of hoboken celebrates St. Patrick's Day. Granted, its a week or so early... but why the f not!? I'm also gon spend some time seein some cousins who work/go to school down dere.
Should be a good time.
No time for mp3s today, as I'm at work... buuuut here's a fly music vid. No booy shakin ho's... just sexy models suckin on ice.
-- obbs
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
got kells on ya ringtone

mr. obbs is friggin tired, so i'ma keep this relatively brief.
1. R. Kelly is the king of R&B. He actually put the 'R' in 'R&B.' That's a fact.
2. If the "Trapped in the Closet" series were to be turned into a full-length movie and released in theaters, it would become the first film to win Best Original Screenplay, Film of the Year, Soundtrack of the Year, and Documentary fo the Year Oscars and R. Kelly would win both Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor awards.
3. In an effort to be more hip, I tried multiple avenues to get an R. Kelly ringtone on my phone. Now, being a cheap sonofabitch, I of course would not buy said ringtone. My boyee joe mac had recommended a site which sends you the tone to your fone in a text, so I tried that.
No luck. Tried again. Nothing.
I was gettin pissed. I tried another site... nope. I somehow stumbled upon this site sponsored by Verizon Vcast sayin all i had to do was play the song I wanted and it'd be uploaded to my phone! Too easy! So I played the song on my speakers and held my phone up to em, and -- don't ask me how this works-- but my phone was able to recognize the song! But then it asked me to pay $4 for it. Fuck. That.
Next day at work, takin phonecalls... runnin shit... the usual. Out of the blue my phone blares at full volume "OHHHohhhOHHHHH! OHHohhOH!"
It's R. Kelly! Like a voice from God coming to embarass me in front of my co-workers for being that dumbass who forgets to put his fone on vibrate... but it wasn't my fault!! I'd PUT my fone on vibrate... I looke at my screen and it's f'ing VCAST!! Playin the song I uploaded, askin me if I wanted to buy it! Apparently they have some pretty guerilla sales techniques over there at Verizon.
Boss: "Alrite team, how the frick are we gonna sell more of these R. Kelly ringtones?
Richard: "Well... we could send unsolicited ads to phones of our
unsuspecting customers..."
Boss: "Goddamnit Richard, you are a goddamn genius... now meet me in my office after work, and bring a pack of PopRocks."
Richard: "...yes sir."
Anyways, R. Kelly would call me at least once a day for about 2 weeks. I called Verizon Customer Support multiple times, asking them to cut the crap. Long, annoying story short, apparently some application had installed itself when I held my phone up to my speaker, and I ws finally able to delete that shit.
Oh! and that site joe mac recommended FINALLY sent me my ringtone. Mr. obbs wins.
Now for the music today, I'ma put up the ringtone I have so you can see what would scare the shit outta me at work when the silence would be broken by R's screamin vocals.
mr. obbs' r. kelly and rick ross ringtone
And this next one combines two of my favorite musicians: DJ Quik and Rob Kelly. Of course what is produced is nthing short of an eargasm.
DJ Quik ft. R. Kelly and Mausberg -- It's Like Everyday
And next is a track as powerful as "I Believe I Can Fly" or "The World's Greatest." I believe it was on the Michael Keaton Batman soundtrack... but do NOT quote mr. obbs on that one. Regardless, it's epic.
R. Kelly -- Gotham City
And finally, of of, in mr. obbs' opinion, perhaps Kells' best album, Happy People, is a song I hope to dance to with my wife at our reception. It is pure happiness. The whole album is, actually, hence the title.
R. Kelly -- Ladies Night (Treat Her Like Heaven)
time fo bed.
-- obbs

Sunday, February 24, 2008
selling my body
Anyways, in other news, if I could model my life after one man... it's probably be Chris Isaak. The dude's had a solid musical career, hooked up with supermodels, been in movies, and also had his own TV show for a bit, which was actually decent. Also, in a totally heterosexual observation/compliment, he has a frickin sik 'do.
Friday, February 22, 2008
the hard road

After a long ass week I thought I was gonna go out tonite, but i got home, irritated as shit from dealing with annoying people, crowded subways, and shitty weather all week and decided to just chill.
Cracked a Bud and sat and listened to Phil Collins "No Jacket Required" on vinyl.
Then I ended up falling asleep for an hour on my couch. Got a call fom Steve Nichols and found out he was NOT coming down to the city tonite... so, long story short, I scrapped the nite. Didn't feel like going out to the bars by myself. It's also snowing like a banshee outside... I'll save my energy and funds for tomorrow nite. Grenier is comin down witha friend of his in the Marines... it should be interesting to say the least.
As far as music goes, CunninLynguists are currently at the beginnin of a 3 week or so tour through Europe. They are surprisingly HUGE in Europe. Watch this vid for an idea of the crowds they've rocked (skip to bout 3 mins for concert footage):
Anyways, they're currently in Germany doing shows with an Australian hip hop group called Hilltop Hoods. Now, I wasn't too familiar with these guys til I heard they'd be doin shows with CL, but now that I've learned a little, I'm pretty impressed. Apparently they are the biggest hiphop act in the land down under.
They recently released their album titled "The Hard Road" and then later went back and did a whole remix album with accompaniment by a full orchestra titled "The Hard Road Restrung"... how sick is that!?
Anyways, check out their music vid and then give a listen to the restrung mix of the title track. Mr. obbs thinks it's mighty good.
For the love of god go to their myspace and listen to Roll On Up. It's crack for the eardrums.
adios all.
-- obbs
Sunday, February 17, 2008
American Gladiators!

For some reason, someone thought it would be a great idea to write some music for Hulk Hogan and have him sing it. My friend Jonnymarks thought it would be an even better idea to buy the CD for me, and it was, cuz whenever I'm a little angry or mad and need a laugh, I just play a song from the Hulkster.
Enjoy, brothers.
This one's a little sad (both musically and in subject matter) as it talks about some kid who I guess was watching Hulk wrestle at Wembley Stadium and got hit in the head with a folding chair or something and died. Ouch!
Hulk Hogan -- Hulkster in Heaven (click, then right-click+save target as on next page)
And this one I use whenever I need some inspiration or guidance. Can you say 'inspiration?' Can you say "Is that the Hulkster 'rapping?'"
Hulk Hogan -- I Want to Be a Hulkamaniac
Friday, February 15, 2008
Pluckin' Daisies

Ended up goin to harvard square where i met up with emirry, dapa, and joe mac. Apparently, Harvard throws these parties like 2wice a month where they provide beer, munchies and all dat stuff for their socially awkward students. I was in heaven! Free Papa John's, free keg of Blue Moon, free Fritos Scoops!! I'm not positive... but Joe Mac may or may not have relieved himself in one of the hallways. I chose to instead go into some random janitor closet and piss into a sink.
You'd think that Harvard of all places would at least have better directions in their hallways for the closest lavatory...
Anyways, woke up still drunk today for work... unshowered and smelling horribly I made it through the day.
PackFM - Pluckin Daisies (prod. by Deacon)
"I wonder what this flower would say if it could talk... besides ow..."
Check out
-- obbs
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
days go by
I'll admit I really don't like MMA... but since I knew the guy I figured i'd give it a shot. Seeing it live would be cool too, I thought. And I was right. It was quite exciting and watching someone you knew out there grappling was actually pretty nerve-wracking. John ended up winning in the 2nd round via whats called a Triangle hold or something. The other dude was on his feet and John was on the mat... and John somehow strangled him with his legs or something until the other dude tapped out. He's now 4-0 and I guess now gets to fight in a title bout in the near future. Pretty cool.
The crowd was quite a mix as well... it seems MMA fights draw the same crowd (or at least similar) as most fairs or NASCAR races... so, well, yeah.
Then on Saturday I threw a party at my place. Drensface drove down from Dartmouth... had a decent showing at the house. Unfortunately i drank wayyyy too much and had a bit of rough nite, not to mention a very short nite. I think I was in bed at midnite or so... not sure. I'm not sure what got into me... maybe i thought i was back in college again. Freshman year. Actually junior year. I didn't drink much til then really.
My sunday was spent entirely on recovery... i slept a lottt. Which was good. Did some laundry and found that our dryer no longer produces heat... sweet. So i resorted to hanging all my clothes around my room and lettin em air out overnite.
Thats it, briefly. Time for some muzack, people.
peece yall.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
So Fly

Free all permed out and shiiiit. I'll admit he's a strange lookin dude.
Now for some tracks... It's hard to pick a few.
I'ma start usin rapidshare so these tracks don't expire in 7 days like yousendit. Just read through the page a lil, click the "Free" button, and it you may hafta enter a code somewhere, but you'll be able to download it. Pretty simple if you are patient.
Mannie Fresh did a sik remix of this first track, so here it is fo yall:
Suga Free ft. Snoop Dogg, Katt Williams -- So Fly (remix)
Here's another collabo where Free just destroys his verse. You could almost change the song after his verse if you wanted to.
Snoop Dogg ft. Suga Free -- Trust Me
This is just dope. In 320kbps quality too...
Suga Free - Suga Free
And here's an old funky classic featuring DJ Quik and AMG.
Suga Free ft. Quik, AMG - Inside Out
All for now folks... got a party tonite to prep for.
-- mr. obbs
Monday, February 4, 2008

Welp, the super bowl was pretty frickin exciting, can't deny that. While I wished the pats coulda completed the perfect season and all, I'm not gonna dwell on it too much. I've learned to not get wrapped up in stuff I can't control. Sometimes i don't get too worried about things I can control too... which maybe is a bad thing. Anyways, I remember one time a few years ago when the Portland TrailBlazers got beaten by the Spurs on a three-pointer by Sean Elliot after he somehow caught the ball with two toes inbounds, turned and drained it. Which, now that I look into it, was rated one of the greatest shots in NBA history. Anyways, I was a HUGE Brian Grant fan and almost lost it when they lost that game. I was throwin shit all over the room. It was a pretty sad display on my part. Since then I have tried to chill a bit. I'm a fan, but not too crazy.
In other news, Mondays frickin suck at work. They are the busiest days... I'll end one call and immediately the phone rings again. I wonder if the people can hear the boredom and exhaustion in my voice when i answer...
Bein a workin stiff, I saw this ad while watching American Gladiators aaaaaand I loved it. Peep it.
As far as the music goes, as the picture and text at the top suggest, the man of the hour is Deacon the Villain.
Simply put, the man is a genius. Writin raps, makin beats, singin hooks. The son of a preacher with an education from Morehouse... he's not your typical MC. He talks bout his life in his verse in "For My Kyn." Lend it your ears. That beat is straight up haunting in my book.
Besides bein in CunninLynguists, he also is in the group Kynfolk-- reppin Kentucky (get it!? KY!).
Check out these tracks. Beats are hot.
Kynfolk - Followuz
Kynfolk - For My Kyn
Bout time to go to bed... aaaaaand I just realized i never washed my basketball uni from last weeks game... i pity the fool guarding me tomorrow. meh!!
nitenite fans.