Monday, November 10, 2008

times they are a-changin

There aren't many things that really get to me emotionally. Sometimes the national anthem can do it... Schindler's List reaaaally did it... the loss of a loved one.

But, as I read the paper on November 5th, I was overcome by a feeling I had never felt before... not sadness... not utter joy even-- though I was happy... but just a feeling that something so amazing and important had just happened in the world. Something people died for... struggled for... or never thought they would see.

Now, I don't think my words are quite strong enough to do this moment we are living justice, so I won't speak on it further. But I do know that I have never responded this way about anything before in my life-- ever. I was riding the bus home by myself after work and just thinking about the election and its results put a lump in my throat and my eyes started to well up.

And I don't care what the pundits said-- I thought Michelle's dress was pretty friggin fly.

-- obbs

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