THursday was a good day. Went to work. Went to my company basketball championship. Played well and won (TWO-TIME COMPANY BASKETBALL CHAMP!! SUCK IT MARK LESNEWSKI IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE!!)
After the game I went to my cousin's place as he was having a chicken and beer gathering for Game 4 of the Finals. My cousin is a pretty damn good cook when it comes to grillin meat on an open flame. I would trust any cut in his hands. So the chicken was delicious, the beer was just what a dehydrated man needed. The group of people was awesome. The game started. And it was horrible... for awhile.
Now, I am not going to give you a blow-by-blow of the game, because Bill Simmons from ESPN has already done that. And i am man enough to admit that he is just a little bit of a better writer than I. So, I suggest you go read his highly entertaining and humorous blog. Simmons.
A few things I will note, however:
--I said in the 2nd quarter that, if we could get the lead down to 10 going into the 4th quarter, we'd be in fine shape.
--The refs have ENORMOUS leverage in basketball. Is it strange how the foul shot disparity swung in the favor of the hometeam in the early games of this series?? Sometimes I see a horrible call and just think of how much extra millions of dollars in advertising NBA commish David Stern (NOT related to Daniel Stern of Home Alone fame) is counting in his head if the series goes another game or two. They were makin some straaaange calls in this one.
--I been saying we need Eddie house out there. The dude has energy and quickness. Sam Cassell is about as old as James Naismith. He has the experience, yes. But he's old.
--I am so happy to see Ray Allen playing like he can and not like he was for most of the first two rounds of the playoffs. Seeing a shooter lose his confidence is one of the hardest things to watch as a fan. Now that it's back, all is well in the world.
I think that's it. It was one of the most amazing games I have ever seen.
Read the Simmons article for some laughs. or watch this ESPN recap.
A new song from N.E.R.D. (No one Ever Really Dies. That's deep, Pharrell.) I like their production most of the time. Most. I just heard a new song they produced for Madonna and, it's a little much. Sometimes they go over the top a bit. This song is frickin awesome tho, in mr. obbs' opinion. I am diggin the sax on the bridge/chorus/whatever the technical musical term is.
N.E.R.D. -- Yeah You
all for now. Game 5 on Sunday. Tomorrow.
-- obbs
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