As part of my job, we get a nice discount at the local fitness center. Pretty awesome. I made sure to sign up and try my best to swing through after work whenever I don't have other plans. My workouts are pretty half-assed... but at least I get a good sweat in.
Anyways, when I first started going, I couldn't help but notice the complete unabashed nakedness of my elder gym-goers in the locker room. Now, don't get me wrong, I have been in many a locker room in my day, but I have never seen this level of pride and free-spiritedness before.
Now, as a disclaimer to this blog, I do not consider myself an overly homophobic person. That being said, I do not go out of my way to get a daily dose of naked, saggy old man. I can tolerate a naked body. I saw the David by Michelangelo in person, and it was frickin amazing.
I used to use a locker near this one guy. He'd get out of the shower... come to his locker, take out his bag, kneel down, get his clothes out... rearrange stuff... dry himself off... ALLLLLL NAKED. Would it TOOOOTALLY inconvenience him to wrap a frickin towel around???!
And then today. This dude is shaving. Naked. I don't even do that in my own home when no one is within 100 feet of me. That's not even comfortable. And what if you drop the razor??
Now, there's funny nudity. Streaking is funny. Will Ferrell in Old School, for instance. I had a friend who went to Hamilton College and was actually on their streaking TEAM. Yes, that is right. Competitive nudity!! Hilarity ensued wherever they would 'compete.' They'd convene upon an unsuspecting NESCAC campus and begin. If no students from the home campus joined in the streak, they crowned themselves the winner of that match.
Check out this clip from FOX NEWS of all places. The host being, oh, i'd say a medium-to-large sized bag of douche, and the Hamiltonians givin it right back to him.
Thinking back... I even went to a nudist spa with my hippie aunt and my whole family back in third grade! That actually didn't freak me out too much, surprisingly. We first dipped our bodies in steaming hot water to open our pores and 'release the toxins', then went outside and sat in a cold free-flowing stream to wash them all away. NAAAATUREEEEE!!! Goulet. Mr. Obbs highly suggests some quality nude time with the whole family.
So there you have it. Bein nakey can be fun sometimes for sho. Buuuuut i think it's just the last thing I wanna do after lifting or goin for a run.
...I gotta go shave.
-- obbs
For some music, here's some stuff from an artist whose CD I stole from my college radio station about 10 months ago yet I'm JUST gettinga chance to listen to now. I may have too much music. Anywhoo... it's DJ Shadow. The first thing I ever heard from this guy was Organ Donor. Decent. Wasn't a huge fan. Then I heard "BUilding Steam With a Grain of Salt." I love that shit. Totally blew my mind. Still to this day, I don't really fully understand this guy. He makes rap beats, electronica, trance, folk(!?), pop-rock... I dunno. It seems that, for his rap production at least, he's doin a lot of the 'hyphy' beats so popular in the Bay Area of Cali. I'm ont a huge fan of that... but his other stuff is awesome. I really don't know much about him besides the 8 or so mp3's on my computer and this CD i stole, The Outsider, which I finally sat and listened to on Saturday while chillin on my porch readin the free periodicals and makin small talk with the homeless dudes walkin by ("...Sox game at 7:05 tonite, maaaaan..." ..... "nice.")
So check some DJ Shadow.
DJ Shadow -- Organ Donor
DJ Shadow -- Building Steam With a Grain of Salt
DJ Shadow -- This Time (I'm Gonna Try It My Way)
DJ Shadow -- You Made It (ft. Chris James)
sleep well. Celtics tomorrow.
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