Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's a gas gas gasss

in this world of overconsumption and dependence on foreign oil leading to exorbitant gas prices, commuters have turned to walking and riding bikes as a way to cut monthly spending. I, personally, think this is awesome. Less cars on the road... less pollution... more money into public transportation which will )hopefully, but not likely) lead to an improved rail system like Europe, and maybe even inner-city congestion laws like the one London uses to keep minimal cars from clogging the main roads of the city. You may say that I'm a dreamer...

Anyways, one thing that REALLY pisses me off is the stupidity shown by so many of my fellow pedestrians and bicyclists. Bikers constantly are looking for respect on the roads... and yet the majority still run red lights, weave in and out of traffic, do not signal, or, for my pedestrian brethren, LOOK both ways. There's an intersection near where I work where it can look completely in the clear, yet one lane has a green light for a right turn... needless to say, I have seen many a person almost get taken out 5 feet from me. That would be a sad start to the day...

Sorry about that spiel, but I felt as though I needed to vent.

In other non-co2-emitting news, I told my parents that I didn't see myself needing my car anytime soon, and that they could sell it. It had pretty much been sitting idly in my parent's driveway since I had moved to Boston last December. They put it out for sale on my front lawn (how things are sold in Maine and many rural areas)
and it was sold by the end of the day. To my neighbors across the street. Turns out the wife works in Portland and it was costing her $16 a day just in gas to make the commute. With my Honda they can cut that in half... not to shabby!

Plus, my rents were generous and gave meeeee the money. So I can buy some other beater if/when I need it. I will most-likely blow the money on other luxuries, however.

this song is cool, in my opinion. Good beat. Catchy hook. Doesn't hafta change the world with it's message... but makes me happy and wanna dance. ooooh yeaaa.

All for now!

-- obbs

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