Sorry for the lack of updates. Mr. obbs has had a few things to deal with...
I moved. It was one of the most exhausting endeavors I have done. Moving all my crap, plus my tiny asian roommates crap, up to the third floor of our new place left me utterly exhausted for the majority of this week. If it hadn't been for my
Then on Friday I found out that I did not get the PR job I had applied for within my current company. This after having a great interview, where my would-be boss fawned over my resumé and experiences. In the rejection email he wrote:
Dear mr. obbs,
Thanks so much for participating in the search for our next PR Person. I really thought your writing and background were quite impressive and you interviewed extremely well. The competition was remarkably intense for this spot, making the decision very difficult. In fact, you were among our top candidates.
You would be a great addition to our team at some point down the road, but for now, I’m sorry to say we’ve selected someone else for this particular position. Though I do hope you apply for the next spot that opens on our PR team. If all goes well, we should be expanding in the future. In the meantime, I’d also like to tap you for periodic brainstorms in the PR Department, as we’re developing new ideas. (If this would be of interest, please let me know.)
Again, I thought you were a great candidate. Thanks again for going through the interviewing process with us.
While I understand that you might be disappointed, please try to emphasize the positive here. You are extremely talented and we’re really fortunate to have you here at our company.
Let me know if you have any questions and have a good weekend.
All the best,
benny mcBleh
Sooooo yeah. I didn't get the job, BUT!! He would still like me to contribute my ideas, for the good of the company. Pro bono. I guess I could think of it sort of lie... oh, an unpaid internship. I haven't emailed him my decision on that opportunity quite yet.
I was about 90% sure i'd get the job, so I was bummin preeeeetty hard for the rest of Friday and then Friday evening. I joked about doing nothing but going home and listening to "Everybody Hurts" on repeat. On the busride home it really felt similar to when that girl you've been crushin on for the whole school year tells you she's been foolin around with the tight-end on the football team. I actually felt physically sick to my stomach that I hadn't gotten this job.
I got home and made dinner. I had made plans earlier about goin out... but really didn't feel like moving. I sipped a natty light on my bed while i played Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" album and thought about applying to other jobs and the general state of my life.
The album is one of the greatest i own. I remember buying the cassette, alongside Tp's greatest hits back in about... hmm 5th grade or so. For an album to still be classic that many yrs after is a testament to the quality of this thing. Tom Petty is one of the most-consistent songwriters I know. Every song is good. Not just the singles.
Anyways, "Wildflowers" is one of his more somber albums, I'd say. Lots of good songs to just chill/cut your wrists to. I stayed staring at my ceiling until about 10:30 when I decided to wander outdoors.
"Wake Up Time" is the closing track on the album, and it is beautiful. I'm not going to break it down lyric by lyric for you... but petty wrote well. Lots of stuff in that song i can relate to. If I had the internet at my new apartment, and weren't writin this from work, I'd put up the mp3. This youtube vid will have to suffice for now.
Petty sure is an ugly lookin dude. Yeesh.
Anyways, I ended up meeting some co-workers that nite and we danced and drank and ate chinese and didn't go to bed until about 4am or so. The night actually ended up turning out pretty well.
Saturday night i didn't do much. I was supposed to meet a friend for her birthday party, but i had a late dinner and watched some college football with my cousin. I literally 'hung out forever, and still missed the dance.' my bad.
and now i'm at work. gonna start lookin for a new job i guess. Sad, because i liked a lot of things about my company, just don't like my actual job. It was bearable for awhile, but now that we're understaffed, the workload is not reasonable.
we'll see what happens...
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