I love music. I don't really know why I didn't get into it more in the performance side of things... but I wish I had. Sports pretty much dominated my childhood. I was traveling every weekend for soccer tournaments or basketball tournaments or practicing. But I loved it... so I guess i can't complain.
Anyways, karaoke is my golden opportunity to live out all my musical dreams of glory. Last night I went to a bar in the Harvard Square area with some buds and performed some classic numbers. I had been before and rocked "Friends in Low Places" with joe mac, but this night wanted to switch things up a bit.
80's numbers are always popular-- Livin on a Prayer... Like a Virgin... 867-5309... you get the idea. I wanted to take it back. Motown baby. Joe mac and I did a rousing rendition of "Sugar Pie Honeybunch" to get our vocal chords loosened up.
It was merely a taste of what was to come.
Now, a few years back, NBC broadcasted perhaps the greatest musical made-for-tv movie in the history of western civilization. I am talking, of course, about The Temptations.
Most people only know these guys for sangin "My Girl." A typical sappy, catchy Motown love song.
But they had so much more. VH1 Behind the Music needs to get their shit together and do their story. They had a whole funk era... drugs... fights... you name it. Anyways, I ended up buying the VHS and watched it bout 18 times. They had some awesome dance moves which I like a lot better than the synchronized crap in today's videos. Chris Brown ain't got nuffin on David Ruffin!
One of my favorite scenes in the biopic was when David Ruffin, lead singer for most of their biggest hits but had been kicked outta the group for bein a self-absorbed piece of s, storms one of their concerts and steals the mic from their new lead singer to do a few songs.
It's drama!
Anyways, back to the karaoke. I chose "I'm Losin You" and had Joe Mac and Senator Cream as my dancers and backup singers. I even did the spin with the mic behind my back! So sik! To get a better idea, just watch this vid...
Anyways, the performance was epic. People were dancing and all that shiz. Awesome.
The actor playing David Ruffin is Leon. Just Leon. Like Cher. He was in "Cool Runnings" if your memory is good.
Here's another dope vid of the REAL Tempts. This song is one of my favorites. Check out the pink suits!
i should get back to work.
-- obbs
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