First off, mr. obbs apologizes to his legions of fans for the long delay in posting. Things have been pretty busy. Some good things and some sad things.
On the 16th, I was at work. The plan was to head to Norton, MA after work with my cousin Big James to do a lil partyin wit my other cousin Lil T. We'd see him graduate on Saturday, then I'd drive back to Maine to help my family move my grandmother from her current home to one which could provide her with better care.
At 11am on that Friday, though, my mother called me at work and informed me that my grandmmother had passed away the nite before in her sleep. I was pretty sad and pretty much didn't do anything the rest of the day.
After talking with some cousins and my mom again about what I should do, we decided I ought to still see the graduation and represent my family there. Gran would have wanted to have me be there and celebrate T's day with him.
SO James and I drove out and we ended up having a completely crazy nite on campus. T's whole class (so it seemed) was crammed into one big dorm complex, about 3 floors high, and in an L shape. Every floor and every 'leg' of the L were seemingly throwin parties. If security came, people would just all run to another floor. In one hallway, they had turned all the lights off save for a few black lights. They'd handed out a bunch of glowsticks and were pumpin out some mad techno beats. Someone had the genius idea to bite their glowstick and spray the liquid everywhere. Seeing the walls, floor, and fellow partygoers glowing in neon greens, yellows, and reds actually was one of the cooler things I've seen lately. I even bit open my glowstick and poured it on Big James and some innocent bystanders.
The graduation was cool. I am really close to my mother's side of the family and all my cousins, so whenever we get together, it is nothing but laughs and good times. It was only because of this that the whole funeral and viewing hours and burial weren't a total sobfest. I shed my share of tears, as did my cousins, not gonna deny that, but whens it's all done, we're able to have fun and smile. My grandmother was old, so it wasn't a total shock, but funerals are terrible, regardless of age or situation. You think you'd be prepared, especially if the person had been sick for quite some time leading up to it, but you really aren't. I had to do a reading from I Corinthians 13 during the funeral, and I thought, going into it, that I wouldn't even be able to get the words out. But I was ok, luckily I got to do it before the eulogy and stuff, cuz after my uncle read that, I don't think there was a dry eye in the place.
But anywho... the reception was awesome. It reminded me of the old family reunions we'd have in the summer. All the cousins, all the aunts and uncles alng with dogs and cats and horses and enough food for all. Granny would have loved it.
Its kinda sad how the only time a family can all get together is for funerals and weddings.
Next post will be happier, I proooomise.
-- obbs

This song's lyrics contain a lot of what I had to read at the funeral... it's all I could think about as I read the passage to myself before taking the podium.
Todd Rundgren -- Real Man