Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Hi everybody!

After much soul-searching, I have decided to start a blog. I don't really have anything to say, and not much to whine or bitch about... but I do like music and thought this would be a cool way to talk about things I like and what's goin on. Hope you enjoy it, and stop by e'ry now and then to see what's up and listen to some new muzack, mmk?

I thought about how I should start this thang... an figured I might as well start where I started. My first CD was a classic: "God Shuffled His Feet" by the inimitable band Crash Test Dummies. It really is a pretty solid album... and Brad Roberts' vocals are pretty amusing in their delivery. He also isn't afraid to sing about pajamas, as he manages to mention them in numerous songs... a plus in my book.

So here's the first track of many:
Crash Test Dummies - The First Noel

A nice lil holiday song for the season. It's nice cuz it features Ellen Reid's voice pretty prominently. She has a good voice, and she and Brad rarely appear on the same tracks together. I actually just jacked this song and link from another blog. My bad. I'd put up another... but currently my external hard drive with alllll my music is in the hands of a man named Dickie... he better give it back to me soon.

all for now. byebye. -- mr. obbs


AspiringTrialAttorney said...

i hope that the picture of the man with a beard is eating a hot dog!

Unknown said...

It's a flapjack