Haven't updated this in a long ass time, and for that I apologize.
I was laid off on Sep 2, which was both a blessing and a curse. I hated my job and made that apparent to management. They understood I was unhappy and laid me off, which qualified me for Unemployment Insurance, thank god.
Funnily, I make almost as much with Unemployment as I did while working 40 hrs a week answering mundane questions and dealing with irate and demeaning customers.
I'm not missing work.
I had an interview on Friday. After 5 or so minutes of talking and answering questions with the CEO, he told me that I didn't have the job. He then told me I need to be more enthusiastic during interviews, and that I really need to find my passion in life.
I suppose that's true. People say you find what you love, and you never work a day in your life. I'm 24 and still can't really say what it is I love to do. I love music... but don't play an instrument or know how to use any music-making software.
I love video. But again lack any experience using software that I would need to use to secure any sort of employment.
So anyways, that's basically where I'm at. I'm also applying for Naval Officer Candidate School. I should find out in mid-to-late November if I am accepted.
We'll see. One door closed, and now many more shall open!
I've had the opportunity to do other fun things lately, such as travel to NYC and help a friend film a techno dance concert. I put together a short promotional film for it, which you should all check out below.
So i think I've mentioned how my company pays for my "pod" of people I work with to go out once a month and socialize.
Welp, tonite we are going to a local Italian establishment-- Maggianos-- for a "family style" dinner. It's essentially all-you-can-eat of deliciousness.
Peep this Final Menu:
Mozzarella and Calamari
Caesar and Maggiano’s
Ziti with Sausage
Fettuccine Alfredo
Chicken Parm
Chicken Saltimbocca
Profiteroles and Cheesecake
Needless to say-- I am excited!!
all for now. -- obbs
P.S. My gf got me and her free tix to the Xavier-Pitt and Duke-Villanova Sweet 16 games. It was so friggin exciting. I love March Madness!
I am happy. Some people make a huuuuuge deal about it tho.
It's similar to bragging about highschool. I am proud of what I did in highschool, sure. But do I still wear my letterman's jacket? Hmm no. It's highschool. Come on people. Always funny/pathetic when you see a grown-ass man wearing stuff like that, however.
Just a lil stream of consciousness while I wait to enter NEXT season's company league DRAFT and jam to "Feel Me Flow" by Naughty by Nature. I am a team captain this time around. It's nervewracking! What if I pick a bad team... there will be no one to blame but MEEEEE.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
Weather is gettin decently nice out... I love spring. LOVE it. Anything is better after 5 months or so of winter. YEEESH.
Peep the NBN vid. Treach was/is a monsta on the mic.
1. Got free luxury box tix to Starbury's first game with the C's. Celtic great Jojo White stopped by our box too and I got my pic wid him. Sik.
2. Attended the funeral of my uncle. Very sad. However, it was held at Philips Exeter and was really well done. Some of the speeches his peers gave were amazing. Them being English teachers definitely helped in that area. They told some funny stories of tricks he'd pull. For instance, one semester all professors had to branch out and teach a group of students a skill. Uncle George picked "wood-harvesting." He got the school to buy a bunch of chainsaws, gave them to the kids to use, had them cut down a bunch of trees, split them, and stack them outside his house.
3. Finally gotten my mouth healthy. I had to go BACK to the dentist and get MORE drugggz. But now I can eat. I'm happy.
4. Led my team to my 3rd company championship game. It's in a few hours. It'll be a close one.
5. Oh and this past weekend some of my best friends and I went down to Hoboken, NJ to celebrate their St. Patty's Day. I'm not sure why they celebrate a week or so before everyone else... but it's a drunken day of fun. Who knows, it may even be the last one they have.
That's about it for now.
Tonite is bball. Tomorrow i'ma see some live muzack. Then Boston's St. Patty's Day in Southie on Sunday.
Speakin of muzack.. I've been watching a lot of videos of this dude Ryan Leslie lately. He's friggin dope. Graduated from Harvard at 17 or something.
He makes real hi-quality vids of him creating his songs. I find them very interesting.
peep this one!
"Addiction" is also good, as is "Gibberish."
All for now.
-- obbs
Also, I think this video is awesome just cuz it shows you how accessible Ryan is tryin to be for his fans.
I sit at my desk at work... not exactly looking forward to the next 2 hours of overtime, but understanding that, to live my life of luxury, I must "do work."
Though recent health problems now have me questioning my life in the fast-lane-- what with its frequent frozen-pizza dinners and booooozing.
You see, last Tuesday I was elbowed in my company basketball game. Nothing intentional... but it caused one of my teeth to cut the underside of my tongue, creating a nasty sore. I figured it would be gone in a few days, as usually happens when one bites their tongue (literally).
Buuuuut it didn't. Then, around Weds or Thurs i could feel the beginnings of a sore throat coming on. I had managed to stay healthy alllll winter, but it looked as though I was finally going to fall ill. Waaah.
But then Friday night came. I started to get chills... aches... bad signs. But my cousin was coming to town and she had JUST turned 21 earlier in the month. This would be my first time to drink legally with her! So I had to go out. Enough alcohol managed to mask my pain. I could finally relate with homeless people! (not true, as I had lived similar to a homeless person a year or so ago... living on a friends couch for 2 months with no job).
After the club, we munched on some potato chips. They were delicious, but I remember my gums being VERY sensitive. So sensitive that I had to stop eating. Yikes. That never happens.
Saturday morning I still had a fever. I was achier. We went to brunch. All i could eat was clam chowder... at Sunset Bar and Grill!! Everything they make is amazing and I had to get a bowl of chowder. Got dammit. I went back to my girlf's apartment and didn't move from her couch until it was bedtime. 8 straight hours of rest and being doted upon. Glorious!
Sunday I awoke to my t-shirt completely soaked in sweat. I had some nightsweats. Blech. I couldn't swallow. My gums were on fire. This was no longer something I had experienced before. I was scared something was seriously wrong. Buuuuut there aren't any dentists open on Sunday. So I was screwed for another 24 hours.
Today I awoke after another night of intense sweating (tmi? gtfo!) and knew that seeing a dentist was my #1 priority. I went to work and told my manager about my condition. Found a good dentist nearby and got an appointment for 2pm after telling the receptionist that I was in immense pain!
I told him my story (this one!) and he knew what I had immediately, which was scary, but comforting. He said I had a case of ANUG!!
My getting sick and getting beaten up in basketball, mixed with my generally unhealthy eating and drinking habits provided a bunch of nasty bacterium to utterly destroy my mouth. Honestly, it is some of the most pain I have ever felt.
I'm getting some antibiotics tho, so hopefully all will be well in a week or so. In a week. Hopefully I'll see some effects in a day or two, which is depressing but at least gives me something to look forward to.
I can't take much more meals consisting of soup. I think I may pick up a bunch of pudding on the way home... maybe some milk so i can make SlimFast shakes.
Anywhoo... that's the latest saga. Remember to floss daily kiddos.
-- obbs
Peep the new CunninLynguists music video. It's a great song!
mr. obbs checkin in workin the late shift for some extra monayyyy.
Things are going splendidly. Went to a Bruins game with the girlf on Sattaday. Then hit up a local club at night for some shenanigans. This place was PACKED with bro-doods! and lots of Yah-Doods too!
We waited about 25 mins to get in. Had a few drinks, then decided to go downstairs to the dance club part. That was another line. Took about 45 mins.
Once downstairs, we danced and drank some more. I saw some of my coworkers. Then this one dude who had to have been blackout went barreling through the place pushing people. I got pretty pissed at that and shoved him back. He turned around and there were almost fisticuffs. But my lady calmed things down by saying she pushed me into him or something... iunno. I don't remember her stepping in and don't like the idea of a lady breaking up my fight... but wateva.
I still managed a decent time, but i was hatin on the club for a bit.
Which segways RIGHT into this new jam I can't get out of my dome!
It's Rihanna (who I am NOT a fan of usually) but i am a BIG fan of The-Dream as any blogreader should know. Ri-RI even looks pretty smokin in the pic on this vid...
The-Dream knows how to write a damn catchy hook. This time he uses a "whyyiyiya" harmony that reminds me of something outta the 50's. Like Del Shannon's "Runaway" almost...
In other big news, I'm gettin into some event on Weds where I get to meet some of the Bruins! It's some wine and dine for season ticket holders... and my girlf gets to bring a +1 since our company has about 6 season tickets. Oh the fringe benefits!
Yep. I never thought I'd do it... but I got an iPod. Not content with just an iPod tho, I went with the iTouch. A coworker was selling his and sold it for DIRT CHEAP.
I was anti-iPod from the start... didn't like it. Didn't like how Dr. Dre's songs were categorized differently than Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg. I'm picky.
But my iTouch is amazing. Wi-fi internet. 8 gigs of music (I had to go through my 100 gigs or something and pare it down-- survival of the fittest!). What else could you want in your palm? Don't answer that.
I'm listening right now and have been lovin a mix of James Taylor, Nate Dogg, Suga Free, and now Mr. SOS. Glorious! After work I'ma buy a cable so i can bump this through my audio receiver in ma living room. Booyah.
This weekend is shapin up to be a good one. Got some close college budz comin into the Bean. Seeing Harvard vs. Princeton in basketball (EPIC rivalry!!), then the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Let's root for the Cards. My bro rocks the season tix to them and I saw a game this year. UPSET CITY!!
sorry this writing sucks. I am constantly in a rush it seems...
It's a pretty slow day at work, so here's another blog entry.
Iam a fan of random crap, and this troupe outta NYC does some pretty good stuff.
Here's one that's decently funny. There's something about Starbucks and its stereotypically snooty patrons that I don't like.
They also are known for their pants-less subway rides, where people will board the subway as normal and casually take off their pants in front of unsuspecting travelers.
I have had a whirlwind week. Workin late on monday... basketball on tues... watchin the BC Eagles get whupped by Wake on Weds...workin late on Thurs...then chilled last nite. Life in the city has a few more options for entertainment than Maine!
Anywhoo. Tonite is shaping up to be a good one. My girlf won an hour of free ice skating for her and 19 friends in Harvard Square. Free hot chocolate and skate rentals too! AND we get to pump our own iPod playlist over the PA system! My roommate and I worked on a killer list of tracks last night. Let's just says I'm pretty excited to get my skate on to "A Whole New World."
Oh, in other news, my company laid off between 40 and 45 peeps on Wednesday. It was pretty unsettling to think of a bunch of guys you've been working with for quite some time are out desperately searching for work. It's a pretty depressing time... I really feel bad for people trying to find work right now. The whole economic crisis we're in somehow had not hit home with me yet... but it finally did on Weds.
Luckily I am still employed, and will try to hold onto this job-- no matter how crummy it may seem at times. It sure beats moving back home to live with mom and pops-- tho I bet they'd love that.
all for now. I should probably get back to my job.
-- obbs
Check out Mysto & Pizzi's fairly dope remix of Rockwell's classic "Somebody's Watchin' Me" ft. Michael Jackson.
Did you know that Rockwell was Berry Gordy's son? Didn't make cash of the name too much, but I bet it didn't hurt in securing a record deal...
How ridiculous is that! KG is furious, and rightfully so. Now, I have been a referee before and totally understand how thankless that job is... but if I had been playing, I woulda said some pretty bad shit to this crew. I'm sure Garnett wasn't exactly censoring himself either.
This game was on while my trivia team was REPEATING as champion at a local bar. A 1 point victory for $40 off our bill. Not bad.
Hope all is well, fans. Peep this old school Eric B and Rakim track. Rakim is known as one of the greatest emcees of all time. Not necessarily for what he says, but how he says it.
This video (though they spliced out the chicks in bikinis) was on an old VHS i had growing up -- NBA Jam Session. It was an amazing collection of highlights and bloopers from the games greatest set to old school hiphop. I love basketball.
-- obbs
and just in case you were wondering, Rakim is still at it-- rhymin with some other names you're probably more familiar with... it's pretty sick when the beat drops out. Acapella rappin always seems more profound.
The intro of Premier makin the beat is pretty cool too.
Also, Kanye does not belong here. And, as one of my coworkers said after watching this, "needs to get his head out of his ass."
Mr. Obbs Blog distributes music for review purposes to hype the artists I enjoy. If you are an artist or label and want a song removed, please email mr. obbs and he'll comply.