-- Still working til 9 every night. My day is a total waste. I sleep til 1030. Eat. Go to work. Go home. Watch tv. go to bed. I had originally thought I could get up early and go workout or something... but nope. Not motivated enough! meh!
-- Nelly was named a model for Sean John underwear. Deservedly so!
-- Housemate michele moved out. Upsetting! It was cool havin her around cuz she was a super fly chick in mr. obbs' book. She had a pretty shitty job though, so I don't blame her for peacin out. She will be missed.
-- Ricky Ross had his past exposed by The Smoking Gun. Apparently he used to work as a Correctional Officer at a prison-- thus blowing his whole fabricatd persona as a huge drug runner out of the water. I don't really care... I guess I just wish MC's wouldn't put so much emphasis on building up their personas instead of their skills.
-- I watched the clip of Bill O'Reilly flipping out.
-- I began looking for a new apartment. It's about as fun as a vasectomy.
-- I learned that CunninLynguists will be playin Boston Oct 15th. It will be epic.
-- I just saw Lil Wayne's video for "A Milli" and it makes me angry at America that this man sold a million copies of his album in a week.
I think that's about it.
OH! and today I laughed so hard at work that i actually cried. I watched this video. It's a remix to the Bill O'Reilly clip I cried at a day or so ago.
One more thing. I have been watchin the Daily Show and was VERYYYY surprised to see DJ Quik's name dropped on the air in a "Rapper or Republican?" segment. THe dude gets no love on MTV or tv for that matter, so to see his mug on The Daily Show really warmed my heart! Enjoy his music!
obbs checking in from his work computer once again... slowly drifting off into insanity while his peers are all out enjoying their Friday evenings.
The only thing that's gettin me through right now is my discovery of the Bill O'Reilly clip where he flips his shit. Nothing further needs to be said. Just watch.
I hate this man so much.
Anyways, Colbert had his take on it.
In related news, there's another clip of Chris Berman floating around where he just goes off. This is a dude I thought was always just a chill funny guy. So it was a tad shocking to see him so pissed. Funny though.
And here's my boyeeeee Danny Marino losin it a little. Surprising after the grace-under-pressure he displayed during his career, and most notably during Ace Ventura.
I almost forgot... this one goes out to all the kids who got called 'fat' or maybe dropped a pass in the town pickup football game. Coach Mike Gundy from Oklahoma has a spot for you on his football team.
ok thats all for now. I will likely continue watching television personalities fuckup on YouTube for the next hour.
I have some college frands in town tonite. So that will be fun I hope.
So there was this huge lightning and thunder storm on Sunday... and apppppparently it did somethin f up the router or modem in our crib. Somehow only one of our 3 computers gets internet access, and it is NOT mine. GAH.
It's sad how addicted we've come to the internet...
Luckily I am behind a computer ALL DAY at work... where I sit now.
Not much else to report. The storm only affected our internet, not cable, so I can still watch the latest, greatest, reality tv. My new fave is "From G's to Gents" hosted by the inimitable Fonzworth Bentley. He's an interesting dude...I knew him mostly from dancing in some OutKast videos and swirling his signature parasol umbrella.
Regardless, he hosts and mediates as a bunch of thugs attempt to be transformed to gentlemen. So far I have only caught one episode, but it looks promising.
Fonzworth has also completed his album... some people are a little surprised, but judging by the loads of crappy MC's spewing out garbage these days, why not give Mr. Bentley a chance behind the mic?
So here he is, in a pretty awesome video for a fairly mediocre, yet catchy, song featuring some of the heaviest of hitters in the game right now-- Kanye West and Andre 3000.
brings it back to the days of the temptin' Temptations.
mr obbs is back from a whirlwind week or so of non-blogging. I had an awesome 4th of July. Went and saw the Boston Pops and Rascal Flatts perform for free at the Hatch Shell along the Charles River. I had seen Cake perform there (also for free) a month or so ago. It's a pretty cool locale... and the price is of mr. obbs' liking. The Boston Pops performed some classics-- the Rocky Theme, the 'Shipping Up to Boston' tune (Boston's anthem, apparently), and their signature piece: 1812 Overture. All in all, a great night capped off by some drunken singing of "God Bless America," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "America the Beautiful," etc, etc, and some cool fireworks over the river.
I then went home Saturday morning to spend some time with the 'rental unit. We played some games (I won in a VERY close game of Scrabble with my mom... 172 -170 i believe) and I ate a lot of free food. At nite, we hit up LL Beans in Freeport for ANOTHER free concert. This time? The ultra-cheesy, ultra-catchy playing of Daryl Hall, the non-mustachioed half of "America's Greatest Songwriting Duo," -- Hall and Friggin' Oates!
He put on an awesome show. Apparently he wrote a lot of the classic hits... not that I am takin anything away from Oates, but Daryl had said he only likes to perform 'his' hits, and he covered "Rich Girl," "Kiss on My List," "Sara Smile," "You Make My Dreams," (sounds exactly like the theme to Ducktales btw) and of course, an encore of "I Can't Go For That."
Sadly, youtube won't let me link directly the the friggin awesome video, but there's a live version to display the showmanship of Mr. Hall. He was awesome and you could see how much he really enjoyed performing.
He is still a busy dude-- touring and recording live jam sessions straight from his house called, well, "Live From Daryl's House."
I had actually not heard "I Can't Go For That" before... and yet, once he dropped that synthesizer riff I knew I had heard it before... I just didn't know where. Once I got home and hopped on wikipedia (love that shit) I came to realize that the song has been sampled by more than 200 times! Who knows where I heard it. For the love of god, even "Billie Jean" sampled the bass groove. Listen for yourself! YouTube "Robot Rock" by Daft Punk and see if you think they're riff is the keyboard riff. I think it is...
But anyways, to tie this blog together, I won a ticket to the Red Sox game today. It was awesome. A co-worker invited me and the other ticket winners (you know, augustus gloop, veruca salt, and Violet Beauregarde! LOL!) to his apartment with a friggin ROOF DECK and we grilled some franks and slugged some brews prior. It was glorious. The 4th co-worker who won a ticket was actually already at the ballpark, cuz her friend just happened to be MISS VERMONT 2008 and it was Vermont Day at Fenway! Her friend sang "God Bless America" during the 6th inning.
and it was glorious.
For some toonz.
1. Daryl Hall ft. Travis McCoy (of Gym Class Heroes [of Geneva, NY]) This little track was handed to mr. obbs by a fan of the blog, and was performed/recorded during one of the "Live at Daryl's House" sessions. It is, for lack of better words, the shit. "Be Thankful."
Apparently, there is supp to some mash-up album featuring all GCH vocals over classic Hall and Oates beats, a la the Jay-z/Linkin Park thang. So says MTV, and we all know they're never full of shit.
2. Tamia ft. 213 "I Can't Go For That (remix)" -- 213 is the supergroup made up of Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, and Warren G-- named after the area code they all grew up in. This is a sub-par r&b chick wit some of the greats. Nate Dogg is one of my faves... so i downloaded this back in like... senior year of high school or somethin.
3. While we're on the subject of Nate Dogg... didja know he had a whole album that was never even properly released? It was dope (I downloaded for free... meh!) but they made it only available on iPoons or somethin. Here's a track with a beat and verse by my 2nd favorite producer -- DJ Quik.
4. Ok one more song. This is a remix of the Coldplay hit "Viva La Vida." Beat by Kno, of CunninLynguists, and verses by Natti of CunninLynguists. Natti takes on two personas... listen carefully. It'll blow your mind.
The 4th of July is always a great holiday. It's usually sunny... parades have people in floats throw candy at you... barbecues and open flames... oh, and sparklers (fireworks are illegal in Maine booo).
When I was younger we'd have large family reunions at my house. The relatives would all drive up from Massachusetts and we'd laugh and swim in my pool and eat boigahs and tater chips. They were habitually late, so sitting and waiting on my front steps for them to arrive and the good times to begin was one of the toughest things for a young child like myself.
Sometimes, years after, I'd hear certain songs on the radio and they reminded me of those summer family reunions. My parents probably had the songs playing as we got the house ready for all the guests, or maybe I heard them on the way to the grocery store to load up on meats, cheeses, dips, fruits, and various mayonnaise-based salads.
That's really all I have to say. I love how certain songs can take you back to certain times. Kenny Chesney wrote a damn good song about that -- "I Go Back." Oh yes.
I'm at work, so no mp3's. Just peep these vids.
Steve Winwood - Back in the High Life
This is great stuff right here. Another song would be "Finer Things." Those songs are amazing. So is "Higher Love." The story behind this song is real interesting too. read it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xdZIZ7UPCs under the 'more info' link.
Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain
I couldn't find any real music video... but this will do. Beautiful song. Bruce Hornsby is a talented mutha.
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
Petty is amazing. One of the greatest American songwriters, and so consistent. As I've gotten older and heard this song more and more, it kind of has lost it's magic from when I'd hear the opening guitar chords as a child, but it's still a great song, co-written by Jeff Lynne. I saw Petty live with a bunch of friends, and he puts on an awesome show.
Some other ones I'd hear were "Walkin in Memphis" and "The End of the Innocence" by Don Henley (co-written by Bruce hornsby ooooomg!) and other various adult-contemporary 80s hits. Some Phil Collins I'm sure.
Anyways, thats about it. I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July.
-- mr. obbs
For some fun, here's something that a co-worker showed me and that i like a lot.
Mr. Obbs Blog distributes music for review purposes to hype the artists I enjoy. If you are an artist or label and want a song removed, please email mr. obbs and he'll comply.